While it’s true that being raised with chupacabra and silent but deadly lambs near mountains of recycled cans buys a lot of creature comforts and wiry hair products, I have trials in my life just like every other inmate out there. For example, I am not good with straws or other stuff that sucks. I can never get the paper off straws so regardless of my choice of beverage, I get chunks of unsavory wrapping paper ‘Boba’ in my craw too. Since straws stick up so far out of the drinks, I will rarely remember this fact and begin my advance to the rim for a swig and get poked in the eye. While that is painful in the direct sense, it is far less of a concern than the fact that before this violation, I was just poked up the SCHNOZZ too!
Generally I revel in the labor saving jiggles and gyrating gymnastics of my bountiful bevy of hovel-hold appliances. However, vacuums and I are mortal enemies. Like those pesky escargot, they leave tracks all over my carpets and do unspeakable things to rugs, bugs, and dental floss. I can’t tell you how many bags of cobweb flotsam I have had to swim through to find an earring, penny, or flavorful Starburst candy. I know these ‘dust cup’ British vacs are all the rage now because apparently bag vacs cost too much and suck way less. Well I don’t know about you but honestly I'm not convinced - after all,when is the last time anything GOOD ever came out of a hot and sweaty Brit’s junk-cup?
So you see I’m not really a ‘high-liver’ and DO have significant problems like everyone else which are just as important as weighty politics and Angelina Jolie’s marital status. No, life behind padded white walls and a kink-free leather mask is not as perfect as you might think. Truly every day is a real challenge to decide between the sweet green bean pudding or pureed fruit cup for dessert. Like butterflies that are free however, I have learned to keep my proboscis clean and simply ‘suck it up’ when it comes to adversity and life’s bad nectar. Unless there is a real straw that’s involved of course – just my luck; ‘yup’ those fava beans abruptly get stuck when I snuff 'em up -YUUUCK!