Now what is most incredible, is that this guy (though admittedly younger than most) is but one, of a local large and very active Model A car club here in St. Louis. Members’ highest calling is not just to recover, rehabilitate, and restore these historic cars, but it is more specifically, to teach and preserve the rich history of the Model A as well.
Though we do not have historic cars ourselves, my family certainly appreciates them. So my wife and I usually try at least once per year to stop by and see the Model A club and their “start-up” party. This is a tradition where a dilapidated donor car is found in an old garage or farm which has not been running at best … for DECADES. The club folks start a timer and work as fast as they can to physically start and drive the old car in the least amount of time. This year they worked their charm in a mere 29 minutes and drove the old rusty beast around the block to parade their skill.
My wife has driven a Model T which is quite primitive as compared to cars of today. The workings of a Model A are basically a simple, lower powered version of a modern car. No these oldster machines are not high tech or particularly sporty by today’s standards but you’ll think they are ‘cool’ just the same. You see, these happy historic buggies attract positive attention wherever they go. Look up a historic car club in your area and drop by sometime. If you’re lucky, you may get a ride in a really COOL car – especially if you get stuck in the open air rumble seat!

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