Out of all the holidays, July 4th used to be my
favorite because I could blow stuff up (other than pool toys) without going to
jail. My second favorite holiday is Halloween since I’m free to walk among the
living and scare kids on one night as much as they scare me daily over the rest
of the year. If I do a good job of tricking treatsters, I can score even MORE sugar
than I normally get when dressed as a weird geezer slogging to my neighbors with
a sweet recipe in hand.
Next on that list is Thanksgiving because it truly is a day
of simple pleasures like stuffing bread into the dark headless cavity of
poultry and buttering up loose pink skin (sometimes on the turkey too). St.
Patrick’s isn’t bad when you’re as partial to pinching as I am and VETerans day
is really special because like most folks, I love patriotic pets. So what about the status of big ‘gifty’ days
like Christmas, the day when I was hatched, and of course everybody’s fav
holiday - tax day on April 15th.
Christmas-time feels more like a noisy reindeer race
starting with Kwanzaa (which I assume is on black Friday), seven days of
candles pitchfork-perched in the middle, and ends by cleaning up annoying tinsel, enormous
credit card and travel bills. Beyond Santa’s blinding BLURR on my saddle so many
taxes are due by New Years, which means by mid April I’m sick of giving the
government or anyone ANYTHING, except maybe an oversized foam finger.